Life Doesn't Wait for Payday.

Why should you? Access your pay early with NO fees.
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By clicking Send Link you agree to receive a text message with a link to the GoDo app.
Message and data rates may apply
No cost to you - zero 'tips' or transfer fees
Access your pay on the same day you work
No credit check required
Avoid overdraft fees or using payday loans
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Designed for wage earners in collaboration with Mastercard
Thousands are now accessing their wages early & it’s putting an end to pay day loans for good.

How it Works

Download App & Register

Download the GoDo mobile app here and register for an account. Available on Android and iOS.

Get Your GoDo Mastercard™ Debit Card

Your GoDo Mastercard™ Debit Card is issued instantly.  Add to your digital wallet and use anywhere Mastercard™ is accepted.

Access Your Earned Wages Anytime

Connect your direct deposit to fund your new GoDo account and see how much pay you can access early.

Settle Up on Payday in the App

Your advance is repaid on payday when your direct deposit is received in your GoDo account.

Easily Access Your Money in the App

Step 1
See How Much is Available
Step 2
Connect Direct Deposit to Maximize Benefits
Step 3
Enter the Amount You Want Today
Available Balance

So, What's The Catch?

GoDo was founded by experienced professionals from some of the most respected financial companies in the US.  We've used this experience to help people get ahead financially - by eliminating unnecessary fees, and hidden charges, and removing barriers to banking.
Bank with no monthly fees, minimum balance requirements, or overdraft charges(1)
Access pay early at no cost to workers or their employers using the GoDo Debit Mastercard™ by Sutton Bank
No requests for "voluntary" tips or fees to access your funds same-day
1. Banking services provided by Sutton Bank, Member FDIC

The GoDo Debit Card

The GoDo card is a fully functional debit card that acts as a deposit point for your wages.
A fully functional debit card that can be used to access cash at ATMs, to pay bills on-time, and to make needed purchases
Works together with the GoDo mobile app
Apple Pay and Google Wallet compatible
Banked or unbanked, the GoDo mobile app and card is your one-stop solution for getting more out of your money
Congrats! You have access to

GoDo Team

James Ray
Jason Dell
Mark A. Spurgeon
Laura Pratt
Tim Connors
Megan Hanley
Jonathan Murphy


How do I create an account and how long does it take to get started?
To get started, download the GoDo app to your iPhone or Android device, and register with GoDo. Once the account is established, you will instantly receive a virtual GoDo card on your smartphone. At that point, you are ready to go!
How does the app work?
GoDo retrieves your wage and shift data. A percentage of earned wages is then calculated and made accessible within the app. GoDo processes transfer requests made in the app and is reimbursed through direct deposit at the end of each pay period.
Can I withdraw cash from an ATM with my GoDo card?
GoDo is partnered with the MoneyPass® ATM network to provide two (2) no fee withdrawals from in-network ATMs per month. When making cash withdrawals from an ATM, your PIN is required. Out-of-network ATM withdrawals can be made as well. Please review fee chart for charges that may apply.
Does GoDo charge fees ?
GoDo has worked hard to create an account that has minimal to no fees depending on how you use it. For a detailed list of the items please refer to the GoDo Fee Schedule.
Do I need a smart phone to access the app?
Yes, GoDo is available for download in the App Store and Play Store.
Can my employer view my purchases?
No. Purchases made with your GoDo card account are viewable by you via the GoDo app and your GoDo account specialist.
© GoDo 2024
Non-bank fees are charges that are not related to traditional banking services, such as checking or savings accounts, loans, or credit cards. These fees may be imposed by non-bank financial institutions, such as credit card companies, online lenders, or investment firms, or by other types of businesses, such as retailers, utilities, or service providers.

Non-bank fees can take many forms, including monthly or annual maintenance fees, transaction fees, late payment fees, or fees for special services, such as expedited processing or personalized support. Non-bank fees may also be imposed for the use of certain types of payment methods, such as credit or debit cards, or for the use of certain financial services, such as mobile banking or money transfer apps.

Non-bank fees can vary widely depending on the type of service or product being provided, and it is important for consumers to carefully review the fees associated with any financial product or service before using it. Some non-bank fees may be negotiable, while others may be mandatory or non-refundable. It is always a good idea to shop around and compare fees and terms from different providers to find the best deal.